Bash is a Unix shell.
Bash Command Shortcuts
Command | Use | Example |
history | Show list of previous commands | history 5 will show last five commands executed |
!123 | Execute command 123 from history | sudo !123 will execute command 123 from history with sudo |
!! | Execute previous command | sudo !! will execute the last command with sudo |
& | Run command in background | hugo serve & will run hugo serve in the background |
Bash Command Chains
Operator | Use | Example |
; | Chain commands, despite failure | mkdir a; mkdir b will call mkdir b whether mkdir a succeeds or not |
&& | Chain commands, if successful | mkdir a && mkdir b will call mkdir b only if mkdir a succeeds |
|| | Chain commands, if failure | mkdir a || mkdir b will call mkdir b only if mkdir a fails |
| | Pass command output as input to next command | ps -ef | less will use less to scroll through output of pf -es |
Deeper Knowledge on Bourne Again Shell (Bash)

Markdown: Detect Broken links
Use markdown-link-check and Bash to detect broken links

Git Bash
A Bash emulator and terminal for Windows
Broader Topics Related to Bourne Again Shell (Bash)

Shells process text based commands

Terminals are text-based applications read and write to a shell