Power (Physics)

In physics, power (PP) is the rate at which work is done (or energy is transferred) over time (tt). Recall that work is a change in energy, therefore power is the change in energy (EE) over the change in time, or P=ΔE/ΔtP=\Delta{E}/\Delta{t}.

Power can be expressed as as the product of force (FF) and velocity (VV), or P=FVP=FV, because force is energy transferred to an object (a change in energy) and velocity is the change in position over time (a change in time).

Power is measured in watts. One watt is equal to 1 joule per second, or W=J/sW=J/s.

Video: Power - Physics 101 / AP Physics Review

Deeper Knowledge on Power (Physics)

Watt's Law (Power Law)

Watt's Law (Power Law)

A formula to define the relationship between power, voltage, and current (P=IV)



Energy that results from charged particles

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The fundamental nature and properties of matter, energy, and motion

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